When You Said Goodbye

I only have one experience of real "heartbreak" to draw from, which is what this song is about. It was at the beginning of the Fall 05, after Kristen and I had dated all Summer, and we had to be apart for the coming semester. I guess I'm lucky that this is the only experience I've had, because it turned out happy, when we were back together and engaged just a couple weeks later (we couldn't wait the whole semester).

So that is what the song is about to me, but I think that it can be taken a few different ways...

Basically, I love this song!!! The music is beautiful!!
6/2/09, 9:34 PM  
P.S. This is Stacy. I'm on my roomie's computer, and apparently she's logged in.
6/2/09, 9:36 PM  
Blogger Becca says:
This is Mom: I really, really LOVE this one. The words are great, and the music is so nice.
6/7/09, 9:09 AM