Take Me Away

I have a love-hate relationship with this song. Well, more like a like-hate relationship. Anyways, be forewarned that this song, I think, is pretty different from my others.

Blogger Becca says:
It is different- but I really like it. The harmony sounds cool. And the pictures you chose are gorgeous!
6/26/09, 3:34 PM  
Blogger Stacy Emmons says:
I found this in iLike before I saw it here. I really like it!!!

The only critiques I have are these:
Occasionally it's hard to understand the lower harmony (but I LOVE that you put it in), and the lines "take me away" and "a sweet escape" are both in the chorus of Natasha Bedingfield's song called "Take Me Away." Yours doesn't sound anything like hers, but ya know. Just FYI.

I really really like it, Gman!
--Whoa, Gman. You could write a song using Gm all over the place, and it would be like, your initial. (Tell me Gm is a valid... chord-thingy.)
6/26/09, 9:19 PM  
Blogger Anie says:
Dude, you are so awesome! I love this song! The melody is be-awesome and I love the different parts. And yes Stacy, G minor (Gm) is a valid chord-thingy.
6/27/09, 1:27 PM  
Blogger Belle says:
you're right -- it's not like your other songs -- but I really like it a lot! as Stace points out, there are a few moments when it's hard to hear the lower parts' lyrics --- but I really like it a lot!

7/1/09, 9:12 AM  
Blogger Belle says:

I like that song!

You rock a lot!

I love you. :)
7/1/09, 9:13 AM